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October 23, 2024

 Change to 400 South Traffic Pattern 

​400 South​


The traffic pattern on 400 South between 400 West & 600 West has changed.


As of Thursday, November 7, 2024 there is one lane open in each direction and the restriction on east bound traffic has been removed (see map).​​

400 South Temp 2 Lane Traffic Pattern.jpg

Heritage Park Tank Update​​​


Compaction work around the tank has been rescheduled to start in late November and is expected to be done with a static roller as opposed to the vibrating roller that was used for the compaction of the ground under the tank.​


800 South

The work to install the storm drain pipe along 800 South between Campus Drive and 800 West is currently underway.​​​Next Work Items* Construct the Well House.* Construct the Lift Station for the tank.


NOTE: Schedules are subject to change due to weather and materials availability.



Traffic control devices are set in the roadway within the work zone to protect the workers and the public. Please stay out of the designated active construction areas. The safety of pedestrians and the motoring public are top priority with this project.



Dust, Noise, Vibration, Shifted Traffic Lanes.



Monday - Friday 7 a.m. - 5 p.m.Note: Schedules are subject to change due to weather and materials availability.


Update -  October 23, 2024

Heritage Park Tank Update


Compaction work around the tank is anticipated to begin in early November and is scheduled to be done with a static roller as opposed to the vibrating roller that was used for the compaction of the ground under the tank.​


800 South

The work to install the storm drain pipe along 800 South between Campus Drive and 800 West is currently underway.​


400 South​

Traffic on 400 South from 400 West is now open to one lane of westbound traffic only (see map below).


​​Next Work Items

Construct the Well House.

* Construct the Lift Station for the tank.


NOTE: Schedules are subject to change due to weather and materials availability.



Traffic control devices are set in the roadway within the work zone to protect the workers and the public. Please stay out of the designated active construction areas. The safety of pedestrians and the motoring public are top priority with this project.



Dust, Noise, Vibration, Shifted Traffic Lanes.



Monday - Friday 7 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Note: Schedules are subject to change due to weather and materials availability.



400 South is closed to all eastbound traffic between 600 West and 400 West (see map).This closure is expected to remain in effect until the completion of work on the City of Orem Heritage Park in 2025. Additional information will be regularly added to the project updates.

400 South Eastbond Traffic Closure.jpg
Update -  October 3, 2024


​Heritage Park Tank Update

Compaction work around the tank is anticipated to begin sometime around the third week of October and is scheduled to be done with a static roller as opposed to the vibrating roller that was needed for the compaction of the ground under the tank.​


800 South:

The schedule to begin the work to install the stormdrain pipe between Campus Drive and 800 West has changed due to an underground utility that needs to be relocated. The work to begin excavation for this stormdrain has been scheduled for October 14th.


400 South​:

Traffic on 400 South from 400 West is now open to one lane of westbound traffic only.​


Next Work Items

* Installation of additional underground utility pipeline work on 800 South.

* Construct the Well House.

* Construct the Lift Station for the tank.

Update -  September 21, 2024


​Heritage Park Tank Update

Curb, gutter and sidewalk work was performed last week along 400 South. The 10 million gallon tank has been filled with water and is undergoing testing and inspections. Work to backfill and compact soil around the tank will begin in the coming weeks. Compaction work around the tank is anticipate to be done with a static roller as opposed to the vibrating roller that was needed for the compaction of the ground under the tank.​


Road Pavement Work:

​The Paving work to 400 South was performed this past week. Westbound traffic on 400 South from 400 West will be permitted as soon as the contractor has the new traffic control barriers and signage in place. This work is expected to take place this coming week.​


Next Work Items

* Installation of additional underground utility pipeline work on 800 South.

* Construct the Well House.

* Construct the Lift Station for the tank.

Update -  September 5, 2024


​Heritage Park Tank Update


This week the contractor will continue the concrete work for new curb, gutter and sidewalk along the north side of 400 South between 600 West and 400 West. 


Road Pavement Work:


The contractor is scheduled to install new pavement to the intersection of 400 West and 400 South on September 14th and 15th.


Additionally, crews will be preparing the road base on 400 South between 600 West and 400 West in preparation for new pavement that is scheduled for September 19th and 20th.


Next Work Items

* Installation of additional underground utility pipeline work on 800 South.

* Construct the Well House.

* Construct the Lift Station for the tank.

Update -  August 26, 2024


​Heritage Park Tank Update


This week the contractor will be doing demolition and performing work to prepare for new sidewalk along the north side of 400 South between 600 West and 400 West. This will be followed by placing the concrete for the new sidewalk in the near future.


Additionally, crews will remove any remaining asphalt on 400 South between 600 West and 400 West in preparation for new pavement.


Next Work Items

* Installation of additional underground utility pipeline work on 800 South.

* Construct the Well House.

* Construct the Lift Station for the tank.

Update -  August 8, 2024


​Heritage Park Tank Update

Beginning Tuesday, August 13th the contractor will be doing a final cleaning & disinfecting of the tank interior. The tank is scheduled to start filling later that week for testing.


Utility Pipelines

Crews are working to complete the work within the intersection of 400 West and 400 South.

Tank Interior View_edited.jpg
Update -  July 31, 2024


Currently, watch for lane shifts of north & south traffic at the intersection to continue, please follow signage.
​​FULL CLOSURE AUGUST 3rd - 5th.  Be prepared for a full closure of the intersection of 400 West and 400 South starting at 6 a.m. Saturday morning August 3rd, and extending through 6 a.m. Monday morning August 5th. Vehicles will not be able to cross the intersection. Plan to use an alternate route.

Work at the intersection of 600 West and 400 South will continue this coming week. Expect the existing traffic controls to remain in place.


​Heritage Park Tank Update

  • The construction of the 10 Million Gallon Tank has reached a milestone event with the completion of the concrete for the structure.


Utility Pipelines

Crews are working to complete the installation of the 30 inch storm drain line. This work is proceeding eastward along 400 South.


Next StepsComplete the underground utility pipelines on 400 South.Installation of additional underground utility pipeline work on 800 South.Construct the Well House.Construct the Lift Station for the tank.

Update -  July 17, 2024

​​ROAD CLOSURE IMPACTS - 400 West / 400 South Intersection.
​​Lane Shifts on 400 West at 400 South Intersection Starting July 23rd
Starting Tuesday 23rd of July, Watch for lane shifts of north & south traffic at the intersection and follow signage.
​​FULL CLOSURE AUGUST 3rd - 5th.  Be prepared for a full closure of the intersection of 400 West and 400 South starting at 6 a.m. Saturday morning August 3rd, and extending through 6 a.m. Monday morning August 5th. Vehicles will not be able to cross the intersection. Plan to use an alternate route.


​Heritage Park Tank Update

  • The construction of the 10 Million Gallon Tank has reached a milestone event with the completion of the concrete for the structure.


Utility Pipelines

Crews are working to complete the installation of the 30 inch storm drain line. This work is proceeding eastward along 400 South.


Next Steps

  • Complete the underground utility pipelines on 400 South.

  • Installation of additional underground utility pipeline work on 800 South.

  • Construct the Well House.

  • Construct the Lift Station for the tank.​​​​

Update -  July 10, 2024



​ROAD CLOSURE IMPACTS - 400 West / 400 South Intersection.


PARTIAL CLOSURE JULY 29-AUG 2 Be prepared for vehicle traffic to be reduced to a single lane on 400 West at 400 South, with flaggers directing traffic beginning Monday July 29th and lasting through the week.


FULL CLOSURE AUGUST 3rd - 5th.  Be prepared for a full closure of the intersection of 400 West and 400 South starting at 6 a.m. Saturday morning August 3rd, and extending through 6 a.m. Monday morning August 5th. Vehicles will not be able to cross the intersection. Plan to use an alternate route.




Heritage Park Tank Update


  • The construction of the 10 Million Gallon Tank has reached a milestone event with the completion of the concrete for the structure.


Utility Pipelines

Crews are working to complete the installation of the 30 inch storm drain line. This work is proceeding eastward along 400 South.


Next Steps

  • Complete the underground utility pipelines on 400 South.

  • Installation of additional underground utility pipeline work on 800 South.

  • Construct the Well House.

  • Construct the Lift Station for the tank.​​​​

Update -  June 27, 2024
Inside of Tank with Shoring Enhanced.jpg


Heritage Park Tank Update


  • The construction of the 10 Million Gallon Tank has reached a milestone event with the completion of the concrete for the structure.


Next Steps

  • Complete the underground utility pipelines on 400 South.

  • Installation of additional underground utility pipeline work on 800 South.

  • Construct the Well House.

  • Construct the Lift Station for the tank.​​​​


​​On-street parking is not permitted on 400 South between 600 West and 400 West. Cars parked on the street are subject to towing.

Note: Schedules are subject to change due to weather, material availability, and other unforeseen conditions.


Heritage Park Tank Update


â–ªThe concrete floor of the tank is complete.

â–ªAll of the twenty four wall sections are now in place.

â–ªAll of the one hundred and eighty eight concrete columns to support the roof of the structure are in place.

â–ªThe contractor is working to install the remainder of the concrete roof sections.



Crews are installing a pipeline along the north side of 400 South and will be working to finish that installation this coming week.


On-street parking is not permitted on 400 South between 600 West and 400 West. Cars parked on the street are subject to towing.

Note: Schedules are subject to change due to weather, material availability, and other unforeseen conditions.

Update -  June 5, 2024
June 5 2024.jpg
June 5 2024 no. 2.jpg
Update -  May 15, 2024

No Parking Reminder for 400 South.

Please remember that on-street parking is not permitted on 400 South between 600 West and 400 West. Cars parked on the street are subject to towing.

This full road closure and loss of on street parking is necessary so that the contractor can perform its work on multiple underground pipelines that connect to the 10 million gallon water storage tank at the Heritage Park construction site. Crews need full access to the roadway to perform this work.
Residents that live on 400 South between 600 West and 400 West will continue to have access into and out of their own driveways by using that portion of the roadway previously used for on street parking.

Heritage Park Tank Update


â–ªThe concrete for the floor of the tank is complete.

â–ªThe forming and pouring of the concrete walls is nearly complete.

â–ªTwenty three of the twenty four wall sections are now in place.

â–ªAll of the one hundred and eighty eight concrete columns to support the roof of the structure are in place.

â–ªThirty nine of the fifty two concrete roof sections are now in place. (see infographic).

Tank Floor Schematic SH 5-8-2024_Page_2.jpg
Update -  April 24, 2024



Crews have been working on the storm drain line since Wednesday, April 10th.


While this work is underway, vehicles will not be able to access the residential driveways along the south side of 400 South from 600 West to 400 West. The contractor will be contacting you and asking that you move your vehicles as needed.


Starting approximately the week of May 6th, the contractor will begin trenching along the north side of 400 South to install the water main pipeline. The sidewalk on the north side of the street will be closed for safety concerns.


This work will take place within the project construction area shown on the map to the right. 


On-Street parking is not permitted while the contractor is performing work in this area.

Note: Schedules are subject to change due to weather, material availability, and other unforeseen conditions.

Tank Site 3-6-2024.jpg

To drop off and pick up students at the ball field to the west of Orem Elementary, please use 165 South for access to 600 West.

This closure is necessary so that the contractor can continue its work on multiple underground pipelines that connect to the 10 million gallon water storage tank at the Heritage Park construction site. Crews need full access to the roadway to perform this work.


The contractor will continue to ensure that access to homes is maintained and will coordinate any short term loss of access with homeowners if the need arises.

Access to driveways may be temporarily blocked as crews work directly in front of them. To avoid delays, owners are encouraged to find alternate parking.

Update - April 5, 2024


Work to repair the pavement on 600 West is scheduled to begin Monday, April 8th. This work will take place between 800 South and 400 South and is expected to be complete by April 15th.



Beginning Monday, April 8th, and while the new pavement is being installed, cars may not park along the side of the road on either side of 600 West.



Crews will begin working on the storm drain line starting approximately Wednesday, April 10th. While this work is underway, vehicles will not be able to access the residential driveways along the south side of 400 South from 600 West to 400 West. The contractor will be contacting you and asking that you move your vehicles as needed.

Note: Schedules are subject to change due to weather, material availability, and other unforeseen conditions.

Heritage Park Tank Update


â–ªThe concrete for the floor of the tank is complete.

â–ªThe forming and pouring of the concrete walls is nearly complete.

â–ªTwenty two of the twenty four wall sections are now in place.

â–ªOne hundred and seventy six of the one hundred and eighty eight concrete columns to support the roof of the structure are in place.

â–ªTwenty six of the fifty two concrete roof sections are now in place. (see infographic).

Floor Pour Progress 3-5-2024_Page_1.jpg
Update - March 15, 2024

600 West Paving Update

Work to repair the pavement on 600 West is scheduled during the last week of March. This work will take place between 800 South and 400 South. This work is expected to be complete by April 15th.


Note: Schedules are subject to change due to weather and materials availability.

Update - March 6, 2024

Heritage Park Tank Utility Pipelines (600 West)

* The concrete for the floor of the tank is complete.
* The forming and pouring of the concrete walls is nearly complete. 
* Twenty two of the twenty four wall sections are now in place.
* One hundred and thirty eight of the one hundred and eighty eight concrete columns to support the roof of the structure are in place.
* Nineteen of the fifty two concrete roof sections are now in place (see infographic).

Note: Schedules are subject to change due to weather, material availability, and other unforeseen conditions.

To drop off and pick up students at the ball field to the west of Orem Elementary, please use 165 South for access to 600 West.

This closure is necessary so that the contractor can continue its work on multiple underground pipelines that connect to the 10 million gallon water storage tank at the Heritage Park construction site. Crews need full access to the roadway to perform this work.


The contractor will continue to ensure that access to homes is maintained and will coordinate any short term loss of access with homeowners if the need arises.

Access to driveways may be temporarily blocked as crews work directly in front of them. To avoid delays, owners are encouraged to find alternate parking.

Tank Floor Schematic SH 3-6-2024_Page_1.jpg
Tank Site 3-6-2024.jpg
Update - January 23, 2024

Heritage Park Tank
â–ªThe concrete for the floor of the tank is complete.
â–ªThe forming and pouring of the concrete walls is a little over halfway complete.
â–ªSeventeen of the twenty four wall sections are now in place.
â–ªOne hundred and six of the one hundred and eighty eight concrete columns to support the roof of the structure are in place.
â–ªSix of the fifty two concrete roof sections are now in place. (see infographic).


Beginning Monday, January 22, 2024 the contractor will


at 400 South and 600 West to all traffic.

The one way access northbound from 400 South onto 600 West will close the following week for several days. This temporary closure is expected to last two weeks. This closure is necessary to allow the pipeline contractor access to install pipelines through this intersection.


To drop off and pick up students at the ball field to the west of Orem Elementary, please use 165 South for access to 600 West. (SEE MAP).

600 West and 400 South School Notice of Intersection Closure.jpg


This closure is necessary so that the contractor can continue its work on multiple underground pipelines that connect to the 10 million gallon water storage tank at the Heritage Park construction site. Crews need full access to the roadway to perform this work.


The contractor will continue to ensure that access to homes is maintained and will coordinate any short term loss of access with homeowners if the need arises.

Access to driveways may be temporarily blocked as crews work directly in front of them. To avoid delays, owners are encouraged to find alternate parking.


The contractor is working on the installation of the water pipeline. Current efforts are focused on the work at the intersection of 800 South and 600 West (see map below).


Work in this area will continue through tomorrow and then will progress onto 600 West.


Residents within the active construction area will continue to be impacted with impacts to travel, driveway access, temporary loss of on-street parking, traffic lane shifts, dust, noise, vibrations, etc., as the work to install these utility pipelines will continue over the winter months.


We appreciate your patience as crews work to accomplish this important work for the benefit of the entire City of Orem


The city of Orem is installing a major utility pipeline in this area. Traffic is reduced to a single lane in each direction along part of the roadway during this construction period.


No on-street parking is allowed as crews need full access to the roadway to perform this work. Access to driveways may be temporarily blocked as crews work directly in front of them. To avoid delays, owners are encouraged to find alternate parking.

Note: Schedules are subject to change due to weather, material availability, and other unforeseen conditions.

Update - December 11, 2023

Heritage Park Tank Utility Pipelines (600 West)

Beginning Monday, December 11, crews will start excavating and laying the water main pipeline on 600 West between 650 South and 550 South.


Future Schedule:

December 26, 2023, crews will start excavating and laying the water main pipeline on 600 West between 550 South and 490 South.


January 2, 2024, crews will start excavating and laying the water main pipeline on 600 West between 490 South and 400 South.


Note: Schedules are subject to change due to weather, material availability, and other conditions.


Within the active construction area along 600 West on-street parking is not allowed and vehicles may be TOWED AT THE OWNERS EXPENSE. See map for project limits.

Crews need full access to the section of roadway shown on the map to perform this work. As traffic lanes are temporarily shifted, on-street parking will not be allowed on either side of 600 West within the active construction zone.


Access to driveways is expected to be blocked for up to two days when crews are working directly in front of them. To avoid loss of access to vehicles during that time, owners are encouraged to look for alternate parking. We apologize for the inconvenience that this work is causing.

600 West Waterline Closure 12-2023.jpg
Update - November 28, 2023

Heritage Park Tank

â–ªThe contractor is continuing to place the concrete flooring, this work is nearing completion.


â–ªThe forming and pouring of the concrete walls is a little over halfway complete.


â–ªFifty three of the one hundred and eighty eight concrete columns to support the roof of the structure are in place (see picture at right).


â–ªShoring (scaffolding) to support the forms for pouring the concrete roof of the structure is in progress and will continue for the next while.

Heritage Park Tank Utility Pipelines (600 West)

The contractor is working on the installation of the water pipeline. Current efforts are focused on the work at the intersection of 800 South and 600 West (see map below). Work in this area will continue Through tomorrow and then will progress onto 600 West.


Residents within the active construction area will continue to be impacted with impacts to travel, driveway access, temporary loss of on-street parking, traffic lane shifts, dust, noise, vibrations, etc., as the work to install these utility pipelines will continue over the winter months.


We appreciate your patience as crews work to accomplish this important work for the benefit of the entire City of Orem.

Within the marked area shown on the map below, vehicles parked along 600 West may be TOWED AT THE OWNERS EXPENSE (see map below).

The city of Orem is installing a major utility pipeline in this area. Traffic is reduced to a single lane in each direction along part of the roadway during this construction period.


No on-street parking is allowed as crews need full access to the roadway to perform this work. Access to driveways may be temporarily blocked as crews work directly in front of them. To avoid delays, owners are encouraged to find alternate parking.

600 West Waterline Closure 11-2023_edited.jpg
View of Completed Columns.JPG
Waterline Placement 800 South 11-26-2023.jpg
Tank Site 11-28-2023.jpg

Note: Schedules are subject to change due to weather, material availability, and other unforeseen conditions.

Update - November 2, 2023

Heritage Park Tank

The contractor is currently working on placing concrete flooring and pouring concrete columns and walls.

Roof shoring (scaffolding) for the roof of the structure will start to be placed this coming week.


Note: Schedules are subject to change due to weather, material availability, and other unforeseen conditions

Heritage Park Tank Utility Pipelines (600 West)

The contractor is working on the installation of the water pipeline. Current efforts are focused on the work at the intersection of 800 South and 800 West (see map below). Work in this area will continue for the next couple of weeks. The contractor is setting an underground vault structure and connecting the valves and pipeline into the vault this week. Paving to completed work in this area is scheduled for this week or next weather depending.

Residents within this construction area will continue to be impacted with traffic control changes such as road closures and traffic lane shifts), dust, noise, vibrations, etc., for some time to come as the work to install these utility pipelines will continue into the winter months.

Tank Site 11-2-2023.jpg
Update - October 19, 2023

Heritage Park Tank

A lot of progress has been made on the concrete floor and wall sections to date.

​Concrete columns footings are being formed and poured.

Note: Schedules are subject to change due to weather, material availability, and other unforeseen conditions


Heritage Park Tank Utility Pipelines (600 West)

The contractor is working on the installation of the water pipeline. Current efforts are focused on the work at the intersection of 800 South and 800 West (see map below). Work in this area will continue for the next couple of weeks.


The contractor is setting an underground vault structure and connecting the valves and pipeline into the vault this week. Paving to completed work in this area is scheduled for the end of this week.

Concrete Columns.JPG
Drone Overhead Shot Sept 2023.JPG
800 West and 800 South Intersection Work.jpg

Residents within this construction area will continue to be impacted with traffic control changes such as road closures and traffic lane shifts), dust, noise, vibrations, etc., for some time to come as the work to install these utility pipelines will continue into the winter months.

We appreciate your patience as crews work to accomplish this important work for the benefit of the entire City of Orem.


Until October 31st, within the marked area shown on the map, vehicles parked along 800 S can be TOWED AT THE OWNERS EXPENSE (see previous update).


Note: Schedules are subject to change due to weather, material availability, and other unforeseen conditions.

-UPDATE- Utility Pipeline Work Impacts to 800 South at 800 West

NO PARKING NOTICE Intersection 800 W and 800 S Orem.jpg
Update - September 21, 2023

Heritage Park Tank

The crews are continuing to prepare and place concrete sections of the floor. The work to encase the pipe is moving forward. 


Concrete column footings are being poured and concrete columns will follow shortly.


Heritage Park Tank Utility Pipelines (600 West)

The installation of the storm drain pipe is nearing completion and will be followed by the waterline installation. This work will begin at the intersection of 800 West and 800 South and will proceed up 800 south towards 600 West (see map).


Residents within this construction area will continue to be impacted with traffic control changes such as road closures and traffic lane shifts), dust, noise, vibrations, etc., for some time to come as the work to install these utility pipelines will continue into the winter months.

We appreciate your patience as crews work to accomplish this important work for the benefit of the entire City of Orem.

Note: Schedules are subject to change due to weather, material availability, and other unforeseen conditions.

Tank Site 9-21-2023.jpg
Utility pipelines project map_Artboard 1_Artboard 1_Artboard 2_Artboard 1.png
Floor Pour Progress Aug 24.jpg
Update - September 14, 2023

Heritage Park Tank

The contractor is continuing to prepare and place concrete sections of the floor. The work to encase the pipe is ongoing. 

A second crane and an additional crew for forming the wall is onsite to further expedite the construction. 


Concrete column footings are being poured and concrete columns will follow shortly.

Please note that due to the high summer temperatures, the work hours are being adjusted to allow concrete pours to begin at 6 a.m. to ensure the best working conditions for this critical component.

Heritage Park Tank Utility Pipelines (600 West)

Newman Construction is installing utility pipelines (storm drain and water lines) for the Heritage Park Tank Project. Storm drain work continues along 600 West towards Heritage Park (see map below). This work includes open trenching;  consequently, **600 West is closed to thru traffic** (open to local traffic only) to accommodate the needs of the construction work in this area. 

Tank Site 9-21-2023.jpg
Floor Pour Progress Aug 24.jpg
Update - September 7, 2023

Heritage Park Tank

The contractor is continuing to prepare and place concrete sections of the floor. The work to encase the pipe is ongoing. 

A second crane and an additional crew for forming the wall is onsite to further expedite the construction. 

Concrete column footings are being poured and concrete columns will follow shortly.

Please note that due to the high summer temperatures, the work hours are being adjusted to allow concrete pours to begin at 6 a.m. to ensure the best working conditions for this critical component.

Tank Site 9-7-2023.jpg

Heritage Park Tank Utility Pipelines (600 West)

The work for the utility pipelines associated with the Orem 10 MG water tank is underway. Please be aware that this involves the installation of two utility pipelines, both storm drain and waterline. Currently the storm drain pipe is being installed and will be followed by the waterline installation.


Residents along the route (see map) will continue to be impacted with traffic control changes such as road closures and traffic lane shifts), dust, noise, vibrations, etc., for some time to come as the work to install these utility pipelines will continue into the winter months.

We appreciate your patience as crews work to accomplish this important work for the benefit of the entire City of Orem.

Note: Schedules are subject to change due to weather, material availability, and other unforeseen conditions.

Utility pipelines project map_Artboard 1_Artboard 1_Artboard 2_Artboard 1.png
Floor Pour Progress Aug 24.jpg
Update - August 24, 2023

Heritage Park Tank

The first section of concrete wall was poured today. The contractor is continuing to prepare and place concrete sections of the floor. The work to encase the pipe is ongoing.

**Please note that due to the high summer temperatures, the work hours are being adjusted to allow concrete pours to begin at 6 a.m. to ensure the best working conditions for this critical component.**

Heritage Park Tank Utility Pipelines (600 West)

Newman Construction is installing utility pipelines (storm drain and water lines) for the Heritage Park Tank Project. Storm drain work continues along 600 West towards Heritage Park (see map below). This work includes open trenching;  consequently, **600 West is closed to thru traffic** (open to local traffic only) to accommodate the needs of the construction work in this area. 

Floor Pour Progress Aug 24.jpg
Update - July 27, 2023

Heritage Park Tank

Work this coming week will include placing additional sand, liner, and aggregate for the next sections of flooring to be poured.


Forming work for the walls of the tank is ongoing with an anticipated pour date of August 9th for the first section of tank wall.


Please note that due to the high summer temperatures, the work hours are being adjusted to allow concrete pours to begin at 6 a.m. to ensure the best working conditions for this critical component.

Heritage Park Tank Utility Pipelines (600 West)

Newman Construction is installing utility pipelines (storm drain and water lines) for the Heritage Park Tank Project. Storm drain installation is nearly complete on 800 South, and work will continue along 600 West towards Heritage Park (see map below). This work includes open trenching; consequently, 600 West will be closed to thru traffic (open to local traffic only) to accommodate the needs of the construction work in this area. 800 South is scheduled to be patch-paved in 2 weeks.

Floor Pour Progress 7-24-2023 - Mad Mimi.png
Update - July 14, 2023

Heritage Park Tank


The contractor (Dry Creek Structures) is installing the concrete floor sections for the tank and has begun setting forms for the tank walls.

The concrete pours are tentatively scheduled for every other workday.

Please note that due to the high summer temperatures, the work hours are being adjusted to allow concrete pours to begin at 6 a.m. this will ensure the best working conditions for this critical component.

Heritage Park Tank Utility Pipelines


Newman Construction is installing utility pipelines (storm drain and water lines) for the Heritage Park Tank Project. Work to install the storm drain is currently taking place on 800 South and will move along the construction route towards Heritage Park (see map below). This work includes open trenching with the shifting of traffic lanes to accommodate the needs of the construction work in this area.

Floor Pour Progress.png
Orem Heritage Park 10 MG Water Tank
Utility Pipelines Project 
June 2023

Quick Facts:
What: Install Utility Pipelines
Why: To Coordinate the Construction Needs of Orem City’s Utility Pipelines for the 10 MG Tank Project
When: Construction Summer 2023 through Summer 2024

Beginning June 26, 2023 Orem City is installing utility pipelines (storm drain and water lines) as shown on the map. Work will include open trenching and shifting of traffic lanes to accommodate the needs of the construction work in this area.
Utility pipelines project map_Artboard 1_Artboard 1_Artboard 2_Artboard 1.png
There will be traffic control devices set in the roadway within the work zone to protect the workers and the public. Please stay out of the designated active construction areas. The safety of pedestrians and the motoring public are top priority with this project.The City has hired Epic Engineering to design these pipelines and Newman Construction to perform the work.
Dust, Noise, Vibration, Shifted Traffic Lanes.
Monday - Friday7 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Note: Schedules are subject to change due to weather and materials availability.
Update - June 1, 2023

Enough gravel has been delivered to cover one half of the floor area. This is being distributed over the top of the protective cover that is over the liner.


As early as June 5th, crews will begin placing form work on top of the gravel for the first concrete floor slabs.


The first concrete pour of a floor section could take place as soon as June 7th.

Floor base prep 6-1-2023.jpg
Update - May 23, 2023

Concrete Vault Installation
The contractor will be installing two concrete vaults adjacent to the northwest edge of the tank. These vaults are part of the tank's operating system. One vault provides leak detection and the other will allow water tank operators to drain the tank for maintenance purposes.

Update - May 10, 2023
Project Information


The contractor has removed approximately eighty thousand cubic yards of dirt during excavation of the site to make space for construction of the buried concrete tank. This means that approximately eight thousand dump truck loads have been taken from the site or about two million, one hundred sixty thousand cubic feet of dirt.

Finished Excavation View.jpg

Floor Preparation and Construction
The contractor has installed utility piping under the floor of the tank which will have concrete poured around it this week. The next step will be the placing of two inches of sand with some minor compaction. This sand will be covered with a waterproof liner which will be covered with a protective mat that will have eight inches of gravel placed over it. The steel rebar reinforcement for the concrete floor will be placed over this gravel bed and the concrete floor will then be poured in approximately 25 different sections. The concrete pour for the first section of the tank floor is anticipated to be in place around the end of May 2023.


Interior Tank Concrete Columns
There are one hundred eighty-eight interior concrete columns extending upward from the floor to support the concrete roof of the tank.

Exterior Concrete Tank Walls
The concrete walls of the tank will be formed and poured in approximately twenty-four different sections.


Concrete Tank Roof
The concrete for the roof of the tank is ten inches thick and will be placed in approximately forty-seven different pours that will be supported by scaffolding until the concrete has cured in place.


The Well
The well drilling, well development, and test pumping is complete. The next step for the Well is to design the pump, pump motor, and Well building. The construction of the building will begin in the spring of 2024.
Traffic Signal at 400 South and 400 West
The traffic signal light at the intersection of 400 South 400 West is expected to begin soon. The easements for the placement of the traffic signal poles have been secured. The construction of the signal light is scheduled to be completed in June of 2023.


Update - April 24, 2023

Excavation Site Video 

The excavation of the 10 million gallon water storage tank is complete.  See the video in the adjacent panel for a view of the excavation.



Update - April 13, 2023

The Well

The Well Drilling, well development, and test pumping processes are complete.  The next step for the Well is to design the pump, pump motor, and Well building.  The construction of the building will begin in the spring of 2024.


The 10 Million Gallon Storage Tank

The excavation of the 10 million gallon water storage tank is complete.  The contractor is now placing the sub-grade for the tank floor.  In the next couple of weeks you will begin seeing concrete trucks making deliveries.


Traffic Signal at 400 South and 400 West

The traffic signal light at the intersection of 400 South 400 West will begin soon.  The easements for the placement of the traffic signal poles have been secured.  The construction of the signal light is scheduled to be completed by early June.  


Update - March 23, 2023

Site Excavation Work

The site excavation work continues. The contractor expects to complete the excavation work within the next two weeks. The next step will be the preparation of the sub grade for the tank to rest on.


Update - February 16, 2023



The Contractor is actively working on the excavation for the 10 million gallon tank.. You will likely see large earth moving equipment and trucks moving around throughout the workday hours.


Update - February 2, 2023

Contractor is Mobilizing Equipment on Site


The contractor is bringing equipment on-site this week and preparing the site for the excavation work that will shortly begin.


Dust, noise, and vibrations will occur during working hours.



​Westbound traffic on 400 South between 400 West and 600 West will be reduced to a single lane for the remainder of the school year. This single westbound lane will close at the end of the school year and will remain closed until further notice.


400 South will be closed to all eastbound traffic between 600 West and 400 West (see map), beginning Thursday, February 2, 2023. This closure is expected to remain in effect until the completion of work on the City of Orem Heritage Park in 2025.


Starting this summer all the pavement in this section of 400 South is scheduled to be removed and the installation of necessary infrastructure for the project will be installed beneath the roadway. More information on this work will follow as the date for this work approaches.

The closure to this section of 400 South will facilitate public safety and provides a safe trucking route for the large vehicles that are moving in and out of the site throughout the workday. 


Update - January 31, 2023

400 South closes to all eastbound traffic between 600 West and 400 West.


400 South will be closed to all eastbound traffic between 600 West and 400 West (see map), beginning Thursday, February 2, 2023.


This closure is expected to remain in effect until the completion of work on the City of Orem Heritage Park in 2025.


​Westbound traffic between 400 West and 600 West will be reduced to a single lane for the remainder of the school year.

This single westbound lane will close at the end of the school year and will remain closed until further notice.


Safe Walking Route and Eastbound Traffic Closure Jan 2023.jpg
Update - January 18, 2023

Partial Closure(s) of the Intersection at 400 South and 400 West


Thursday, January 19th, the intersection at 400 South and 400 West will have partial closures throughout the day.


North and south traffic on 400 West will not be able to cross 400 South in the morning hours while crews are placing asphalt.


In the afternoon, east and west traffic on 400 South will not be able to cross 400 West while crews are placing asphalt. 


Intersection Closure-morning 19 Jan 2023.jpg
Intersection Closure-afternoon 19 Jan 2023.jpg
Update - January 11, 2023

Partial Closure of the Intersection at 400 South and 400 West


Eastbound and westbound travel on 400 South will be closed at the intersection with 400 West from at 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Friday, January 13th, from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. (see map)Please follow the posted detour routes to get around this closure.


Northbound and southbound traffic will be unrestricted through the intersection on Friday.


There will be an additional partial closure of the intersection at 400 West and 400 South on Monday, January 16th (weather permitting) while crews do paving work. Please follow any posted detour routes. This paving work will affect through traffic in all directions throughout the day and is expected to last from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.


Intersection Closure 2 Jan 2023.jpg
Update - January 4, 2023

Partial Closure of the Intersection at 400 South and 400 West


Southbound travel on 400 West will be closed at the intersection with 400 South starting at 4 p.m. on Friday January 6th and extending through Sunday January 8th. 


Northbound traffic on 400 West will be required to make either a left or right turn at 400 South to avoid the closure.

Intersection Closure Jan 2023.jpg
Update - December 21, 2022


  • The construction work for the irrigation line that is being installed in front of Orem Elementary is well underway. This work is located in the street next to the curb and gutter on the north side of the 400 South roadway. There are no anticipated lane closures from this work through the Christmas and New Year holidays. Work is scheduled to continue into mid-January 2023


  • The development of the well is underway and is expected to last through February 2023

Update - November 29, 2022

Orem City is installing a 24 inch buried irrigation pipeline along the north side of 400 South. Work will take place between 400 West and 600 West and will include open trenching and shifting of traffic lanes to accommodate the needs of the construction work in this area.

There will be a barricade of traffic barrels and tape located between the sidewalk and the construction trench/work zone. Please stay on the sidewalk and out of the construction areas. The safety of pedestrians
and the motoring public are top priority with this project. Pedestrians, please use the walking path shown on the map to avoid the construction zone and safely access the school.

There will be a brief work stoppage in the morning and afternoon to accommodate student drop-off and pick-up.
The City has hired Epic Engineering to design this irrigation pipeline and B.D. Bush Excavation for the construction work.

Irrigation Line Map at Orem Elementary_edited.jpg
Update - November 1, 2022



  • The sound walls for the well drilling project, came down this past week.

  • Orem’s tank contractor will be selected very soon and is expected to start on the site within 1-2 months.  

Sound Walls Coming Down.JPG
Update - October 3, 2022

Over the weekend drilling crews installed all the casing/screen to a depth of 950 feet.  They placed all but the last 25 feet of the gravel pack, they will top it off in the next few days.  The contractor pumped all drilling mud from the hole and placed the chemical treatment.  The chemicals need to sit for 24 hrs.  On October 3rd, they will begin swabbing the casing, once this process is completed, the contractor will perform minimal well development just to clean up the well.  When the drill rig is removed, the sound walls will come down. 


Widdison Turbine will mobilize to the well site mid October to begin developing the well.  Well development is a critical part of producing a good drinking water well.  This process will take roughly 35 working days. 


The reason well development is so important is that just as the well is drilled, is the best time and opportunity to open up or clean the formations in the aquifers that produce water.

Well Flushing_edited.jpg

When the rotary drill rig is removed, Widdison Turbine will set up a cable tool rig to surge the well.  The cable tool rig uses specialized tools called a surge block and bailer.  The surge block fits tight against the interior walls of the  casing/screen, similar to the action of a syringe.  As the surge block is raised and lowered in the casing it pulls water from the formations of the aquifer and then forces it back into the formations.  This surging motion forces water through the formations loosening sediment.


This process will pull any drilling mud and sediment into the casing which can then be bailed or pumped out.  Essentially the development process is power washing the formations that produce water. Once the power wash is complete and the water is clear, a pump is installed into the well casing to accomplish what is referred to as the test pump. 


Pumping will start at a lower gallons per minute rate (GPM) and progress to something above 4,000 GPM which is what we are hoping to produce with this well.  Water will be pumped at a higher rate (over pumping) and then a lower rate, again surging water through the formations.  Once the higher GPM is established, a constant rate test is performed for 24 hours to determine what the well is capable of producing or constant rate.  This is a 350 to 400 hour process.

Update - September 16, 2022




The gravel pack material has arrived on site and the drilling crew is putting the drill rig back in place. The contractor will begin reaming the hole later next week to a diameter of 28 inches.


This will be followed with the installation of the 20 inch diameter well casing with its screens to a depth of approximately 950 feet and the placing of the gravel pack.



Update - August 8, 2022

The 20 inch diameter well casing is onsite, however, the installation has been delayed while the contractor secures a high quality gravel pack which is a critical component of the well. The shipment of gravel that was delivered failed to meet the required specifications and was rejected.


It is believed that an acceptable gravel pack will be delivered in approximately seven to ten days, at which time the contractor will resume reaming the hole.



Update - July 27, 2022




The drilling crew is back and will begin reaming the hole later this week to a diameter of 28 inches.


This will be followed with the installation of the 20 inch diameter well casing with its screens to a depth of approximately 950 feet.



Update - July 13, 2022




The drillers are headed home, but they will be back!


Last night the drillers finished water quality sampling. Currently they are filling the 17-1/2 inch pilot hole with pea gravel from a depth of 950 feet to 250 feet below grade.  Once complete, they are heading home for much needed time off. 


The well site will be quiet for approximately two weeks and then, the drilling crew will be back to begin reaming the hole to a diameter of 28 inches.


This work will include the installation of the 24 inch diameter well casing with its screens to a depth of approximately 950 feet.

Update - July 6, 2022





Well drilling began June 17, 2022. Currently the smaller 17.5 inch diameter pilot hole is at close to 850-foot depth.


Once the target depth of 900-feet is reached, operations will switch to water quality sampling which will take place at various depths. This process is critical to identify the best quality water in each aquifer. 


At the completion of the testing period there will likely be a period of up to two weeks without the drill rig in operation. Thereafter, the drilling with the 28-inch reamer will commence and the operation will run 24/7 until final depth is reached.


After the drilling process is complete, well development will begin. This process is very important to produce a productive and efficient well. Well development is completed by test pumping the well for a period of up to 400 hours. Fortunately, this process can be completed during normal working hours.  However, the last 24 hours of pumping will be continuous. 


From start to finish the total process to drill and develop the well is expected to take two to three months.

Update - June 25, 2022

Well drilling has begun at the northeast section of the Heritage Park site. There is equipment and a tower in that area. The contractor has erected sound walls on the north, east and south sides of the drill site. The drilling for this well will take approximately two to three months and will run continuously, twenty-four hours a day - seven days a week until the work is completed. This well will potentially reach a depth of up to 900 feet. 


After the drilling process is complete, well development will begin. This process is very important to produce a productive and efficient well. Well development is completed by test pumping the well for a period of 400 hours. Fortunately, this process can be completed during normal working hours.  However, the last 24 hours of pumping will be continuous. 


Upon completion this well will assist the water supply for the 10 million gallon buried tank on this site. 


Drilling for the 900 foot depth well has commenced as of June 23rd and will run non-stop (24/7) for the next 2-3 months. 

Initial Start Up

From June 21st to June 23rd the well driller installed a 40 foot casing at the surface of the drill site.

Update - June 23, 2022
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